Saturday, October 6, 2012


Problem recognition, definition and evaluation
“Change your water, Change your life”
Nowadays, Ionize water is become very popular to replace common mineral water. Base on research in Japan since the 1950, founded that Ionize water improves chronic health conditions as follows:
- Arthritis 

- Heartburn  

- Chronic fatigue

- Indigestion 

- Leg cramps

- High blood pressure

- Poor circulation 

- Migraines 

- Nausea

- Obesity 

- Osteoporosis 

- Psoriasis   & stress

Dr Otto Warberg, the Nobel Prize winner for discovering the cause of cancer, explained that no disease can exist in an alkaline environment. Japanese medicine has proven this over the last 15 years. Water Ionizer can restore proper alkaline pH within weeks.

 Figure 1. Water information

This facts and condition makes good opportunity of Ionizer Water business, so it can make realize physical and financial health.
To start this opportunity, we need calculate the feasibility study and breakeven of the business.

Development of the feasible alternatives
  1. Selling Ionizer water machine (W4 Blog posting)
  2. Selling Ionizer water with invest on Ionizer machine
  3. Selling Ionizer water with purchase Ionizer water for other makers
 Figure 2. Water & Machine

Development of the outcomes
In Weeks 5 Blog posting, we will analyst first alternative of business Ionizer Water, that is selling Ionizer water with invest on Ionizer water machines.
·         Medium investment, buy single machine and produce Ionizer water in workshop
·         Reachable by common people in Indonesia
·         Medium profit but high quantities
·         Medium risk

Selection of the acceptable criteria
Using mathematically equation to get NPV and breakeven for each alternative.

Analysis and comparison of the alternatives
Detail data mentioned at table below:
 Table 1: Detail information option 2
NPV Calculation shown in the table:
 Table 2: NPV calculation option 2
From calculation above, next is breakeven chart:
 Table 3: Breakeven chart  option 2


Selection of the preferred alternative
Base on analyst above, NPV for first option for 6 month is 26,710,000. – IDR with breakeven point between weeks 15 and 16.

Conclusion/Performance monitoring and post-evaluation of results
For both alternative 3 will evaluated on blog posting weeks 6 and weeks 7 will using decision maker tools to get the best decision on this business.

         i.      Discover the incredible health benefits, retrieved from
       ii.      Biography, The Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine 1931Otto Warburg, retrieved from: 
      iii.      William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks, and C. Patrick Koelling (2011), Engineering Economy (15th Edition), Chapter 6 (p.454)



1 comment:

  1. As noted previously, your case study is a good one but to only use NPV and BE Analysis alone are not what I recommend.

    Continue doing what you are doing but at some point, I will also expect you to summarize by performing an ERR and IRR analysis as well. What your posting tells me is you need to spend more time in Engineering Economics, Chapters 5 and 6?

    Also Chapter 14?

    Bottom line- you are not wrong but you also are not demonstrating to me that you have really studied and mastered the various financial analysis tools available to you.

    Dr. PDG, back in Jakarta
